About Us
We Advocate for our Business Community

Fort Road Business Association
The Fort Road Business Improvement Area Association was established in 1991. The Association is governed by a Bylaw of the City of Edmonton and is funded by an annual assessment against all businesses that are located within the boundaries of the Association. The boundaries of the Association run from the Yellowhead Trail in the south to 137 Avenue in the north and include all properties that
front onto Fort Road.
Business Improvement Area Grants
For commercial buildings and businesses located or planning to locate in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), the City of Edmonton offers various grants.
Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant
Funding for small- and medium-sized businesses, co-ops and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 to offset a portion of their costs.
Our Mission
Building a Better Alberta
The business of the Association is to do those things that enhance Fort Road as a viable prospering business area that individual businesses cannot do on their own but which benefit all. The association had 90 members as of June 2020. Fort Road was originally built in the early 1900s as the main commercial street of the Village of North Edmonton. The business area provided goods and services for the residents of the surrounding communities who worked in the meatpacking plants that were concentrated in this area of the Edmonton region. The hub of the shopping area is the intersection of 66th.
Street and Fort Road. One of the original landmarks of that era, the Transit Hotel, still stands on that intersection. However much has changed on Fort Road since the end of the 1990s. First, the meatpacking plants have now relocated and second Fort Road itself has changed into a major arterial. The small businesses that originally occupied Fort Road were relocated to accommodate the widening of Fort Road. A few of the original structures still exist on the northwest side of Fort Road for the two blocks north of 66Th St.
The new Fort Road is evolving and the Fort Road Business Association’s task is to assist that evolution by promoting the assets and benefits of the area.