Why Fort Road
Growth & Affordability
Fort Road and its Community
The Fort Road Business Improvement Area is located in northeast Edmonton. While the northeast was one of the earliest areas to be developed in Edmonton’s history, it is only in the last 30 years that it has attracted a wave of new residential development. As a result, the northeast is one the most affordable new areas in the City. Most businesses need a mix of skills and a wide range of labour compensation. Fort Road is an ideal location to accommodate a diversity of employee lifestyle needs. The immediate communities of Belvedere and Balwin as older communities of single-family housing that are not new but are affordable. Within easy distance are new communities that offer a variety of housing types such as townhouses and low-rise apartments. For those who want the urban lifestyle of a downtown area the commute time is twelve minutes by LRT or fifteen minutes by car with few traffic hassles because home to work from downtown is a reverse commute.

Maintenance and Operations
Fort Road is one area of the City with a large concentration of maintenance and operations facilities for transit and roadways in the City. It includes the D.L. MacDonald Garage that services all the LRT cars for the Metro Line, the Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage for buses, and the Kennedale Road Maintenance Yard for roads.